Thursday 6 March 2014

Scream Opening

Scream Opening

The first five minutes of 'Scream' starts with the the title scream with the text in white on a black background. The font used is a very uneasy rigid font to give an uneasy feel. The sound of a phone ringing is also added at the start of this title and then immediately ends with a loud sound of a knife and then followed by a scream. The font also then goes red to represent blood. This represents that in the film there will be a phone ringing which will be followed by death. The sound of the scream also adds to the title of the film. This opening communicates to the viewer that it is a horror movie using dark colours like black to show darkness which is a fear many people have so is shown throughout all horror films and also the red to represent blood is something shown in all horrors. The scream shows fear which is something shown in all horror films and it is also a female scream as many horror films have a dumb female character.

The film then starts with a shot of a phone. This straight away makes you think of the title sequence of the phone and that you know it is going to end badly. The phone becomes a very iconic part of this film as it is seen throughout the whole film often before death scenes. A girl then picks up the phone. The girl is dressed in very light colours to show the fact that she is innocent and that she has done nothing wrong. She answers the phone the first time to think its a wrong number. The room is seen bright at this point to show at this point nothing bad has happened. After she puts the phone down it rings again. When it rings again the room is shown to be a lot darker which may mean that something bad is about to happen. This again communicates to the viewer that this is a horror by using the darkness and fear of darkness many people have to scare them. You can start to see shadows from the outside starting to creep in to the shot. The girl also starts to show a look of concern on her face. When she picks up the phone the second time the camera angles start to get a little bit more jag-id to maybe make it seem uneasy and not right and how the situation should be.

There are then shots of trees panning down on to a swing. These trees have very sharp branches which is a connotation as they could represent knives. The branches also shot in a position to look like there hanging over the house which the girl is in. This gives the illusion of dominance over the house which represents the girl as it is also brightly coloured like the girls clothes. At the bottom of the tree there is a swing which is swinging. This is indexical as it shows that someone was there swinging on the swing recently so there is defiantly someone around. You also later after this see in the house when the tree is shadowing all the inside of the house and the girl which represents the man coming in to the house.

The girl then starts cooking some popcorn which represents her. She gets more and more scares as the pop corn starts to grow. There are also knives carefully placed in the middle of the room to also give information that there is going to be a stabbing. She also picks up the knife and it makes a very loud and sharp sound that it probably wouldn't in real life to give it the more real feel which makes you focus more on the knife and gives you the hint that knives are important to this film. She also speaks to the man on the film about nightmare on elm street when he says about 'the guy who has knives for figures' When he says the word 'knives' he says it a little bit louder than the other words to single it out so that's the word your mind most focuses on. The room also starts to get darker as this goes on so it gets more eerie.

The man then to the girl 'I want to know who i'm looking at'. As soon as he says this a sound track starts to play with a very haunted feel as you know know something is defiantly going to happen. The girl then runs around the house locking all the doors. She then looks out the window of the door. The window is set out with three bars to make it look like prison bars and like shes trapped in a cell waiting for the man to come. There is then a shot of the door again as shes looking at it. The door is shown with nine different windows with black showing through them. This shows that there is darkness outside and she shouldn't go out there.

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